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Rotax 503 .020 oversize moly coated piston and gasket kit for ultralight aircraft engine


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Rotax 503 .020" oversize moly coated piston and gasket kit for ultralight aircraft engine featuring 2 new pistons, oem style w/dual rings, pins, circlips , full major overhaul gasket w/ crank seals kit as shown. This set exceeds the MFGs specs, Designed to replace the oem elkos in all respects. These are hard crowned, moly coated pistons. Smoother running due to better balance, stronger and better heat transfer. We run em in our trikes and use them in our shop for the past 10+ years This is set is for 72.50 bore 503 Rotax. .50mm oversize .020".

Engineered to provide the best possible path for combustion chamber heat transfer to the cylinder walls

All pistons, rings, pins and circlips are manufactured to OEM specifications

All individual components are interchangeable with original parts

Piston weight compatible with original piston

NOTE. all international orders are shipped Fedex or DHL only during covid, We will supply a quote for your order via email,