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Rotax 618 piston and gasket kit for ultralight aircraft engines top end set


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This is a aftermarket top overhaul kit featuring 2 new 1st oversize pistons, moly coated for low friction, dual rings, pins, circlips , bearings, full major overhaul gasket w/ crank seals kit as shown. This set exceeds the MFGs specs , Designed to replace the oem elkos in all respects.

Smoother running due to better balance, stronger and better heat transfer. These are 40% stronger and feature moly coated skirts to reduce friction and heat.

We run em in our planes and use them in our shop for the past 10+ years

This is set is for 76.25 mm  1st oversize bore 618 rotax. any head color, We carry STD and 2nd oversize bore also. just ask.

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